Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ignore this post. it's full of crap.

I feel so helpless right now. S who refuses to pay up. wth. why are you like that? now she only has $600 you know. obviously, the sum you borrowed has 2 more zeroes in it. got money, also don't want to pay up. how i wish i can force you to pay her money now. you stinking s. i hope you rot. after paying her.

you better not show up at the christmas party else not only her and mom, but i will also join in. i'll call you all the names i can think of - it's prob going to be a lot. And woe be to you if something is near me. i'll chuck it at you. making her cry, watching mom getting so exasperated then boiling mad. you sure have a lot of nerve, huh? f.you. it was so unbearable hearing their convos with you - duh, you asking mom to help her calm down, wth? - that i had to plug in my earphones and blast music you know? i did hear some parts, like all your empty promises. you sss. and you even lied about not getting her emails when she sent them to you twice. bs.

I always thought you were quite nice, but turns out i was wrong, eh? why did you be so "friendly" towards me? it seems like i cannot trust men anymore. keep on owing money, esp my dear father. then go run off to china and not pay them back their hard-earned cash? every guy is the same.

in both cases, both know how much money they owe, but DON'T WANT TO PAY BH. THEN WHAT? NOW THE CHILD HAS TO BE BLAMED IS IT? SO EVEN IF YOU "LOVE" YOUR CHILD, IT'S OKAY TO LET THEM SHOULDER YOUR BLAME? I WONDER HOW YOUR SON'S COPING RIGHT NOW THEN. both are incorrigible b. and i don't know how to pay her back.

here i am, venting, but i still feel helpless. what can i do to help? i can't force him to pay you - unless i have him at gunpoint. bs. i really don't know what to do.

perhaps it is time to lose myself in another world again.